
[ACL 2024 Findings] SPIN: Sparsifying and Integrating Internal Neurons in Large Language Models for Text Classification
D Jiao, Y Liu, Z Tang, D Matter, J Pfeffer, A Anderson

[ISMB 2024] Predicting Protein Functions Using Positive-Unlabeled Ranking with Ontology-based Priors
F Zhapa-Camacho, Z Tang, M Kulmanov, R Hoehndorf

[ISWC 2023] (Best Paper Candidate) Neural Multi-hop Logical Query Answering with Concept-level Answers
Z Tang, S Pei, X Peng, F Zhuang, X Zhang, R Hoehndorf

[ACL 2023 Findings] DiffuDetox: A Mixed Diffusion Model for Text Detoxification
G Floto, MMA Pour, P Farinneya, Z Tang, A Pesaranghader, M Bharadwaj, S Sanner

[SIGIR 2023] LogicRec: Recommendation with Users’ Logical Requirements
Z Tang, G Floto, A Toroghi, S Pei, X Zhang, S Sanner

[SIGIR 2023] Bayesian Knowledge-driven Critiquing with Indirect Evidence
A Toroghi, G Floto, Z Tang, S Sanner

[ECML-PKDD 2022] Customized Conversational Recommender Systems
S Li, Y Zhu, R Xie, Z Tang, Z Zhang, F Zhuang, Q He, H Xiong

[IP&M] Self-Supervised learning for Conversational Recommendation
S Li, R Xie, Y Zhu, F Zhuang, Z Tang, WX Zhao, Q He

[IJCAI 2022] Positive-Unlabeled Learning with Adversarial Data Augmentation for Knowledge Graph Completion
Z Tang, S Pei, Z Zhang, Y Zhu, F Zhuang, R Hoehndorf, X Zhang

[WSDM 2022] Personalized transfer of user preferences for cross-domain recommendation
Y Zhu, Z Tang, Y Liu, F Zhuang, R Xie, X Zhang, L Lin, Q He

[KDD 2020] Intelligent exploration for user interface modules of mobile app with collective learning
J Zhou, Z Tang, M Zhao, X Ge, F Zhuang, M Zhou, L Zou, C Yang, H Xiong